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  • Mikhail Kokorich

Aerospace Week and Space Exploration Magazine

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

The aerospace sector is covered in Aviation Week and Space Technology (AW&ST). It appears both in print and on the web. It covers the newest technologies and advancements in the aerospace sector. You'll find information on everything from rocket propulsion to spaceship designs within. This publication was created to update readers on developments in the aerospace sector.

Publishing once every three months, Aviation Week and Space Technology is devoted to the field of Aerospace Technology. This magazine, put out by the Aviation Week Network, is widely recognized as the authoritative source of aerospace business and technology news. It focuses on technology and research in aviation maintenance, repair, and new aircraft development. Launched in August 1916, this publication is now a staple of the Aviation Week Network. Its headquarters are in the nation's capital. Aviation Week Network also puts out Business & Commercial Aviation and Air Transport World in addition to Aviation Week and Space Technology.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has approved Aviation Week and Space Technology as a publication with an ISSN of 52175 in the Aerospace Engineering subcategory. An international standard for identifying serial publications, the ISSN consists of an eight-digit code.

Aviation Week and Space Technology have been a trusted source of aviation news and technology news since its first issue in 1932. As measured by citations, the publication's productivity and influence resulted in an impact score of 9. It is ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is 52175. ISSN is a unique code that is used to identify publications. The ISSN details may be found in Aviation Week and Space Technology issues.

No other journal compares aviation news to Aviation Week & Space Technology. New developments in aerospace are covered in these articles and reviews. A subscription always includes the current edition of the magazine. It's a terrific resource for keeping up with developments in the aviation business, and it comes out four times a year.

Aviation Week and Space Technology will be released on Tuesday, August 22. The journal covers commerce, commercial flight, and space exploration topics. The Aviation Week Network, part of the New York-based publishing company Informa, is responsible for the magazine's production. Business & Commercial Aviation and Air Transport World are two more of the network's periodicals.

It is unclear how many issues of Aviation Week and Space Technology are produced yearly. The journal has been in print since 1916. In addition, the firm has created and maintains a digital library of back issues. Readers may search for articles by year, company, personality, or author. Plus, hundreds of planes have had their flight experiences documented here. That summer issue of the magazine issue featured eight unique covers.

The magazine is produced by the Aviation Week Network, a part of Informa. In the nation's capital, you'll find the editorial headquarters of this publication. The magazine delves into the business of flying and space travel. In addition, the publication informs its audience about recent developments in aircraft technology. In addition to its aerospace coverage, Aviation Week & Space Technology also focuses on business and commercial aviation.

Aviation Week and Space Technology is an essential newspaper for professionals in the aerospace sector. It has an h-index of nine, measuring a publication's influence. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a unique identifier for periodicals like this one.

Any photographer passionate about aviation is welcome to enter Aviation Week's picture contest. All photographs, regardless of technical quality, are welcome to join. Informa reserves the right to use photos in any publication, distribution, or exhibition format. Informa also has the right to permit other parties to publish, distribute, or display images.

If you're in the aerospace industry, you should read Aviation Week & Space Technology, or AWST for short. The Aviation Week Network, a division of Informa, is responsible for its publication. Business & Commercial Aviation and Air Transport World are two other aviation-related publications from the network.

Students that submit images to the competition should expect to have them evaluated by a group of experts in the field. The photographers' identities and submissions will be concealed from the judges, who will only have access to brief descriptions of the photos. The winning photographs will be selected solely based on the judges' evaluation of the photographers' originality and technical proficiency.

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